Sunday, November 18, 2012

Celiac Corner - Guest Author

Celiac Disease and Gluten Free Diet | Celiac Corner

Readers and Friends:

I know, its been a very long time since my last post...far too long! I would use the old "things have just been so busy lately" excuse, but lets face it, who isn't feeling busy all the time? To be honest, aside from the time it takes to manage a safe gluten-free life, some personal and family matters have taken priority over sharing my gfree insights online. Admist marathon training, clinical rotations, Celiac Events, the holidays, etc. there have been some exciting things happening!

In fact, what has two thumbs and was a guest author over at Celiac Corner *points-at-self*! Thats right, the good people over at Celiac Corner asked me to share some thoughts on finding nutrition support after a Celiac Diagnosis. Since I love to share about Celiac and overall health and wellness, I was extatic to team up with another group of like-minded people via Celiac Corner!

You can check out the article here!

Hope you well,
