Well, this has truly been a long time coming. I have, for many years now, been working academically, professionally and personally to make a difference in the lives of those around me, and now based on a series of events I've landed in the “blogosphere” (do people really call it that? I don't know?...I’m new to this!). It started with my own autoimmune diagnoses and has continued to develop in ways I would have never imagined. Like many of the twists and turns my life has taken this one feels a little uncomfortable but is something I have been encouraged by friends, family, clients and complete strangers to do. In the past year I came to the conclusion that blogging might not only be an opportunity to reach and connect with more people, but also a way to examine my life from a different perspective in which I have chronicled all of the experiences and adventures I have had as well as the ones to come; something that I think will be invaluable to myself and someday my kids and grandkids.
My desire to perfect, package and publish whole systems and programs has served me well in academy and the professional world, but is partly what has held me back from launching this blog, until now. I want to be sure to clearly communicate exactly what it is about me and my experiences that I want others to connect with and understand. I have realized, though, it is impossible to ask others to connect with you, through their unique experiences, and yet at the same time direct and dictate their perception of you; plus, whether I want to accept my Myers-Briggs personality profile or not (ENTJ, by the way if you were wondering), I am an extrovert who is energized by “real-time” relationships and interactions, so the uncertainty of an online atmosphere has kept me from diving-in and getting started. Nevertheless, it has taken me some time to learn that I cannot possibly write every detail and connecting thought I’ve ever had (although I did try…attempt #24 at starting this blog!), and instead I have relinquished control to the reader to reconcile the myriad (I find that a more elegant word for mess) of facts, thoughts, and information that will ensue and take it for what it is worth to you!
I hope to not only make a difference in the lives of those who have Celiac Disease, other autoimmune diseases and those with special dietary needs (SDNs), but to also raise awareness and and help to bring about sensitivity and understanding in those who do not. I look forward to helping the world be more aware and educated, as well as sharing my experiences and hearing about yours too!
I hope you find this blog is something you can connect with whether you have autoimmune issues, SDNs, or just find me fascinating enough to read my blog anyway J
Be well,
Footnote: To give you a better sense of who I am and how I got this way, my personal and professional life with autoimmune diseases, and some stuff in between, I am working on a larger series I am calling, “A stage, a Lake & a Porta-John: My Life with Autoimmune.” In the meantime, get ready for some random facts about living gluten-free and personal rants about the insensitivity of "the public" when encountering us SDN "crazies" (a personal term of endearment :)
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